Launching the world's first drug-free migraine treatment

Client: Rehaler
Timespan: '18-'19
Key Focus: Name, Brand, App
Design Design Award 2019

Early exploration and testing of visual directions and brandnames led to the trademarking of the name Rehaler. A nod to the technology within the product that uses rebreathing to balance oxygen levels.

Along with the new, name identity and packaging, we also designed the complete user experience in a native app that guides users through onboarding as well as all the therapy sessions. Everything in a clean and clinical look.

We also added in a dark-mode for users to not be bothered by the bright white glow from the screen during migraine attacks.

In 2019 Rehaler won a Danish Design Award in the category Health.
Kudos to
Client Lead / Patrick Rønning
Design Lead / Alexander Spliid